Undivided Heart Counseling
Welcome to Undivided Heart Counseling.
Our goal is to offer the support you need to heal from the past and overcome obstacles to living a wholehearted life.
You are worthy and you do have what it takes! However, trauma, broken relationships, disappointments, lies, and wearying daily hassles can cause our hearts to become shattered and divided, resulting in lives that fall short of our dreams and aspirations. We begin to believe the lies that we are not enough, that the best we can do is survive, that things will never change. At Undivided Heart Counseling, we help you explore the roots of those limiting beliefs and pursue the hope of greater healing, purpose, and inner peace.
Do you or a loved one struggle with…
Depression, or simply feeling empty and that life has lost its luster?
Anxiety, never quite feeling able to unwind or feel at rest?
Past trauma that continues to disrupt your life with flashbacks, nightmares, or disruptions to your relationships?
Attachment issues that make you question whether you can ever have a healthy relationship?
Conflict with your partner that seems to perpetually repeat itself?
Chronic health issues that drain your energy?
A child with behavioral issues that discipline fails to improve?
Struggles with your faith, or an incongruence between the truth you know in your head and that which resides in your heart?
Obstacles that seem to continue getting in the way of pursuing your dreams?
Stress that wears you down and steals the joy of living in the present?
Let us help. It would be an honor to walk alongside you, wherever you may be on your journey.
We all need someone to believe in us and to carry hope for us when we have lost sight of it.
A wholehearted life awaits you on the other side of whatever challenge you might be facing; reach out if you are ready to take that first step toward an undivided heart!

“Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think,
No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.” Brene Brown
Our passion is to help you embrace who you were created to be as you learn to live from an undivided heart.